I am a retired architect born and raised in the Midwest who realized that he needed more West than the Mid-kind was supplying and relocated to Colorado in 1980.  Prior to relocating I obtained my architectural and environmental science degrees at Ball State School of Architecture and Planning and have been licensed in up to 10 different states at times during my career.
After retiring in 2018 I turned my passion back full time to one initially started while at university…. photography.  It has been a long and challenging trip since then to master film, and now the digital, recording of small snatches of time.
My photographic interests run the gamut of just about everything.  From robots, to bees to architecture, I am interested in it all, and my work reflects that. My biggest passion, and longest ongoing, project is recording Mission and Spanish Community adobe churches.  Over a period stretching close to two decades my wife and I have traveled the back roads and paths of New Mexico and Colorado searching out these structures to photograph.  As rewarding as it is to photograph these individual sites, finding them on a several day wander is just as much fun.
We have not neglected travel elsewhere and take road trips all over the USA.  We also extend that to our world neighbors and have been lucky enough to visit many destinations in Europe as well as Northern Africa and Australia.  We have a lot of ground to cover and plan on continuing all avenues of travel as long as we can….. and recording them as we go.
I truly enjoy looking for good light and making a record of that, regardless of what it happens to be falling on.  Saul Leiter said, ‘I don’t have a philosophy, I have a camera’ I couldn't agree more.​​​​​​​

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