These structures, and the photographic recording of them, has represented my passion project for almost two decades. They form the cornerstone of their community and local life. Starting with the Spanish invasion of what is now Mexico and the Southern United States they represented a holy mission of conquest. The subject of oppression of indigenous populations and the cause of many conflicts their role in local society has evolved into one of pinpointing the center of local community activity and social bonding. These building represent a form of time travel to me as I look upon them today. While they have been altered and upgraded over the decades they still represent a fascinating form of architecture and social interaction. I record them as some are slipping away into the past, I don’t want us to lose that or the beauty they represent.

Penitente Morado: Abiquiu, NM USA

Santa Rosa de Lima: Abiquiu, NM USA

Las Mesita: Antinito, CO USA

Saint Anthony: Cordova, NM USA

Abandoned Church: Jaroso, CO USA

San Rafeal: La Cueva, NM USA

San Juan Nepomuceno: Llana San Juan, NM USA

La Capilla de Santa Teresa: Mesa Poleo, NM USA

Santo Tomas: Ojo Sarco, NM USA

San Francisco de Asis: Rancho de Taos, NM USA

San Miguel del Vado: Ribera, NM USA

Sagrado Corazon: Rio Lucio, NM USA

Iglesia de San Francisco de Assisi: San Luis, CO USA

Cristo Rey: Santa Fe, NM USA

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Santa Fe, NM USA