Clay, sand, straw, water and sunshine. Pretty simple ingredients to build anything from a small horno to a cathedral. Adobe may be the most environmentally sound building material. Most of the ingredients are found on site. The wood needed for latillas is usually available locally, larger and longer beams, vigas, may come from a distance as needed. If cared for properly an adobe structure will last seemingly forever. When upkeep goes by the wayside so do all the materials, returning to the earth where they came from. I am fascinated by the accomplishments of people using this material. Rough or smooth, a thousand shades of brown and grey, warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The lesson of adobe can teach all of us a lesson about planet stewardship.

San Isidro: Agua Fria Village, NM USA

La Santisima: Arroyo Seco, NM USA

Burned Out Factory: Blanca, CO USA

St. Mary & Santa Cruz Mission: Ojo Caliente, NM USA

San Francis Assisi: Rancho de Taos, NM USA

San Francis Assisi: Rancho de Taos, NM USA

Capilla de San Pedro: Ohkay Owingeh, NM USA